Monday, September 1, 2008

Adult Fan Roll Call - Express your Stephenie Support!

This blog has been created as a channel for the adult fans of Stephenie Meyer to express our love and support of her. Given the recent feedback she has been exposed to on the Internet by a vocal minority of negative groups, we felt it was time for the enormous amount of fans who cherish her work to be heard. Particularly, the very large following of adult fans, who often get lost in the crowd of the more general audience. With experience, education and maturity on our side, we can express to Stephenie that we support her vision, all of her works and we will continue to do so.

To be heard in the mass of negative media that is alive across the Internet and other channels, we want you, the adult fan, to add comments to this post of support and positive reinforcement for her. We plan to call attention to this blog via the media and the Twilight fan sites, hoping not only to spread this positive message amongst these same channels, but also to reach out to her personally, allowing her to hear directly the support and appreciation we all feel.

Please begin commenting below with your message to Stephenie. Our personal message to her is this:

“Stephenie, we can only begin to imagine what you must have been going through over the past month. We are saddened by the negative feedback and reactions by some of the fandom and want you to know that we support your vision for your characters. You have created an amazing story to share with us, brought groups of friends together in the shared love of your books from literally around the world and re-invigorated the love of reading for many. We also know that you were extremely disappointed with the leak of Midnight Sun. We are here for you, just as you have been there for us, sharing your creativity and yourself. It’s your world to do with what you want and we are honored that you have let us all be a part of it.”

Most Sincerely,

Somethingblue and Ellejeez


Anonymous said...

I' am a fan of your work, and you (or at least what you've shared about yourself online and in the media). I support your decisions in your storytelling 100% because it's your world (and I happen to love where you've taken your characters). I also support your decision to put Midnight Sun away after the leak. I cannot imagine how that must have hurt you to have that happen.

That said, I hope Edward's story won't be put away forever. After reading the draft you posted on your website, I'm more excited than ever to read the story of Twilight from his perspective. I hope that someday you'll be able to go back to it and have the heart to finish. Even the rough draft shows how compelling and readable this story can be. But in the end, I wouldn't want you to have to force something that just doesn't work for you anymore. You gotta do what you gotta do!

And I'm really looking forward to meeting all the other interesting characters you've got beating around in your head! I especially like mermaids. :D


Rhonda said...

Stephenie -
I'm 58 years old, but you make me feel still young. I went to Forks this summer wit 40 other Twilighters, and got even closer to all of your characters - and to you, as well as wonderful women of all ages.

I hope you realize what a wonderful gift you have given to the world. Not just your wonderful books, but the friendships formed in your fandom have enriched so many lives - mine especially. My husband is almost done listening to the series and we have fun with our little vampire/wolf teasing.

I'm sorry for your heartbreak over Midnight Sun, and grateful to you for posting it. I read it out loud, in a group, following along in Twilight to interject Bella's view compared to Edward's. I LOVED the book and the experience. We laughed and discussed, and couldn't put it down.

I hope that someday you will have the heart to finish telling Edward's side. It is amazing. I understand why you can't do it now, but maybe someday.

Keep on dreaming. Keep on sharing those dreams with the world. You make the world a happier place. What a gift you and your characters are to me and so many millions more.
Warm regards,

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving yourself away with these fantastic books. I know that is a vulnerable position to allow yourself to be put in as you tell us the workings of your creative mind through these stories. I have truly enjoyed all the writings that I have read of yours.

The Twilight books have changed my life. Because of you, I have been introduced to new friends that I'm pretty sure will be a part of my life forever. We all share a love your books and it gives us a wonderful excuse to be crazy together without having to hide our obsession.

I'm deeply sorry that you are facing the difficulties that you have. I can't imagine how much your life has had to change to protect you and your family from hurtful people and hurtful words. I know that you can't trust anyone (outside of your publisher and very close family) with your writings and you probably want to shout out about the brilliance of what you created. Thank you for making that sacrifice regardless of how difficult it is for you, for the love of your fans.

Variety said...

Stephenie -
I have never been so inspired by a book as I have been the Twilight series. They have changed me in more ways than you can imagine. They have brought me back to myself. I will be eternally grateful for you and the story you've told.

I feel such sorrow for the way you've been treated by people claiming to be your fans. I appreciate what you've given us by way of Edward's perspective. I have loved getting to know him better, and feel I understand him, and other characters as well, better after reading what you've posted.

I hope, despite many people's unjust and wrong actions, that someday you'll be able to share with us the rest of his side of the story. I know I would read it many times, as well as countless others. But I understand that this world, and these characters, are yours to share as you see fit, and I respect your decision to set it aside.

You are a truly talented writer, and have been given a gift. I look forward to reading anything else you choose to share with us. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Stephenie, I, too, am a huge fan of your work and happen to be an adult. I'm in love with the depth of your characters and the vividness of your stories. You are a fabulous storyteller.

As a general rule, I try to stay away from negativity, so I'm shocked to hear how cruel some people can be. I really shouldn't be though. One doesn't need to take an intelligence test or function at any sort of socially acceptable level to communicate online. These are the kinds of people that you or I would have a 5 minute in-person interaction with and realize they're not our cup of tea and be on our way. They're just a vocal minority who know how to type and have an internet connection. Please don't spend a lot of time trying to make sense of it.

I'm so sorry to hear the heartache about Midnight Sun. It's totally your right to control your work and I'm saddened that it was leaked. With that said, it took some serious balls for you to post it online. You rock, girl!

Although we've only met at signings, it is clear to me that you are a warm, sensitive, genuine, and thoughtful person. So my hackles are raised hearing about some of this garbage. I wanna slap someone around!

Have a wonderful time going back to your normal life as a wife and mother (one of the coolest I know) and we'll be here when you're ready to wow us with another one of your creations.

PS. Have fun directing that cool is that!!!


Lia said...


The books might belong to us but the story belongs to you. I support your right as an author to write the story that you envision, and I remain,

your faithful reader,

Anonymous said...

I'm technically an adult (yes, 36 1/2 counts) but your wonderful books can transport me and make me feel like a 17 year old holding hands with her true love, or a bride dancing with her groom, or a bewildered mother gazing at the miracle that is her child. As a busy wife and mother, I appreciate how you touch my own experiences while simultaneously extending them to such a wide fan base - I can chat about the Twilight series with fans of all ages.

I am upset to hear how cruel and insensitive people can be. I have this piece of writing posted in my home and at my workplace. It was written by Bishop Muzorewa from Zimbabwe, Africa, and I think it suits you and this moment in time.

"If you do good, people will acuse you of ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
Love them anyway.

The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People really need help but may turn against you if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you may get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway."

My little "coven" up in Canada and I send you our thanks, best wishes and support.


love2dream said...

You have given me several gifts that I will never be able to thank you enough for.
1) An escape from reality. I love to loose myself in the worlds you have created. After days of pottytraining and diapers, Blue's Clues and Hot Wheels, your stories are like a breath of fresh air.
2) Mind exercises. I love discussing and debating the story and characters with all the fans out there--which brings me to my next, and greatest, gift.
3) You have given me the best friends. We chat on-line, we get together for movies and parties, we travel to Forks just for fun. I love my SLTA girls like I have know them for a life-time, instead of one year. We have supported each other through job changes, infertility, cancer, surgeries, pregnancies, and life in general.

If you never publish another book, know that you have touched so many lives. I will be forever indebted to you (and to whatever you ate for dinner that night that might have induced "the dream"!) ;)

~Shauna (love2dream)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Meyer,

I am an enthralled reader of your work. Your books are a treasure to me. Through your wonderful story, Twilight, I have discovered the joys of romance literature. You helped to break down a prejudice I had from reading one horrible book that had almost forever closed a wonderful genre for me.

You have also helped to rekindle the love, warmth, and joy it is to be married to my own sweet Edward. Your books reminded me of when I first met him and fell in love...after several years of marriage, it was an important reminder. It helped to bring back that sparkle in our relationship and keep the fires burning.

Through my love, fascination and desire to discuss this book, I found the Twilight Lexicon (through a link on your website) and through it wonderful, strong and supportive women (and men) that I have made true friendships with.

Your books have meant more to me than just the day-to-day escape I needed. You are more than just a writer, you are a mentor in so many ways to so many people, young and old, male and female.

My heart goes out to you as you heal from this awful situation in regards to Midnight Sun. I know you must be hurting, and please know that you are in our thoughts. But I encourage you, once the emotions subside, please reconsider Edward's perspective of Twilight. I know what a joy it would be to have his book bound and on my shelf so I can curl up with him and read. It is something I have looked forward to ever since I first visited your website.

I would encourage you to treat this as when you have given us extras or cuts from your previous novels. They were not refined, in fact one had Rosalie called Carol. I found it incredibly enlightening to see how the writing, rewriting and editing process works. Midnight Sun could be another great example of that. There are so many writers that are inspired by you and this could be a helpful lesson for all of them.

No matter your choice, I will support you. You writing, your characters, the spirit and emotions contained in the worlds you create are truly a treasure. However, I do hope that you will consider coming back and finishing Edward's voice. Please take as much time as you need. I would love to be able to read YOUR vision and finished work of Midnight Sun. But no matter what, please keep writing!

Thank You for SO much!
(aka Una from the Twilight Lexicon)

Anonymous said...

Dear Stephenie,
I left a message on your myspace and I hope you had a chance to read it. I just wanted to let you know that I'm still thinking about you. I can't help it when, in my every day life, I see reminders of what your stories have given me, my daughters and my wonderful new friends all over the world. People can be cruel and unfortunately, the cruel ones always seem to be the loudest. One thousand wonderful reviews can be forgotten in seconds when one person goes out of their way to bash something you hold dear. I can understand you wanting to keep Midnight Sun to your self, protect it and keep it pure and clean and I'm so sorry this has happened. Having met you twice this year, once in San Diego and once at UCLA, it hurts me to think that I may not get that chance again. I wouldn't blame you at all if you avoided the public like a plague, but please know that there are so many of us out there that would love to just give you a hug, cheer you on, be on Team Stephenie and read every word you feel comfortable to pen and publish for us.

I thank you for all you have given me, not only your stories, your characters, and your world, but also the truly fantastic friendships I have made through the love of your books.

With Love,

Jenni Elyse said...


I want you to know that I absolutely love your stories and I'm so grateful that you decided to share them with the world. I think you're an amazing story teller and I've never had a series affect me the way the Twilight Saga affected me.

Not only do I love the characters in the Twilight Saga and in The Host, because of your wonderful stories, I have met some of the greatest women in the world! I now belong to a group of friends that I can't imagine my life without anymore! Thank you for that!

I'm so sorry that someone decided to violate your rights as an author. I can only imagine how you feel.

I want you to know that I support your decision. I know it was hard for you to make. I only hope that you can come back to Midnight Sun someday and that you'll continue to share your wonderful imagination and stories with us!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing us to shar the wonderful world of your imagination, humour & wit. I too am an enthralled adult reader from Australia; I adored Twilight from the first page & have spent the last few years in an agongy of suspense, waiting for your next book. Along the way, as a bonus I have made some wonderful friends among other fans of your work.
I can see that for you the journey has had some amazing highs, but also sadly some very difficult lows. I was very very sad to hear of the leak of Midnight Sun & its indefinite delay. I have read the draft that you posted & I want you to know that although I do wish I was reading the bound published version, what a joy it was to read from Edward's perspective & how much richer Twilight has become. I am in awe of how much more complex the story in your head was compared to the Bella's point of view that we had. I hope that you will in time [and selfishly I hope it wont be too much time...] once again desire to step into Edward's head once more.
In the meanwhile, enjoy some lovely time with your family, directing your music video & writing whatever takes your fancy.
From Jenny/amontilado

Holly Ewell said...

(In preface: It seriously took me over an hour to write this. I am not a writer. I am much more comfortable in the world of numbers where the rules are finite and unchanging, but I offer up the following as my contribution to the campaign to support Stephenie Meyer.)


In the grand scheme of life we all have highs and lows, and you have soared higher than most. You have every right to be hurt and upset by the violation of your rights in regards to the leaking of Midnight Sun. No one wants to see his or her creation debased in such a way, and I, for one, was heartbroken by the blatant disregard for your rights exhibited by those who illegally posted your story. Although saddened by your decision, I fully support your choice to put Midnight Sun on hold indefinitely.

I only wish that you could fully realize what an inspiration you are and the impact you have had on countless lives. You have touched the world with a simple dream! You have taken an experience that most would think nothing of and saw its potential realized. You nurtured your dream, fought for it, protected it and saw it grow far beyond your wildest expectations.

I just wish so many good things for you, but mostly, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. The way I know so many people see you. Not only are we fans of your stories and how they bring us together, we are fans of you. Of the way you conduct yourself with such class. Of the way you respect everyone’s right to an opinion. Of the way you give your talent so freely to your readers. Of the humility you bring to your work that endears you to us even more. Of the wonderful sense of humor with which you approach life in general. We are fans of you, Stephenie Meyer, and I know I for one will remain a loyal reader and fan no matter what you choose to write.

Unknown said...


I came across your books by accident, expecting something different, and when I read them my life changed in so many ways. The person that looks at me in the mirror is not the person I was a month ago.

You gave us your dream, and allowed us to live it with you. In the end, most of us learned how to dream again. Yes, some people couldn't follow the story, they refused to let their imagination control them and preferred to blame you. But don't let that discourage you, if they decided to cling to the harsh reality of the world or to their own dream, it's not your fault and it will never be. Your story is an will always be the most beautiful experience in my life. I fell in love with it immediately and I will always love it.

Before Twilight, I was just a 26 yr old adult that fought with myself to love the daily life monotony. Like many adults, I believed dreaming was for kids and even when I read fantasy books, I was more interested in the action and the conflicts that kept me eager to know how they were going to be solved. I had many dreams and stories to be told that I kept buried and ignored. Stories that I used to write when I was younger but didn't seem "mature enough" for my age.

Then Twilight came and the hard shell in my heart just broke. I found myself feeling every hope, every sadness every single tear shed by Bella and every single pain felt by Edward came through their words and brought tears in my eyes. The feeling was overwhelming but too sincere and I had to read them again to feel the same way again. I was no longer what I fought so long to become. I was again the 14 yr old girl that would just close her eyes and imagine it was her in the books. Every single dream, every single story waiting to be told came back to me. I can't describe the experience. It was like a kid believing to be a fairy or believing to see one. Just magical.

J.K. Rowling made me love to read, Tolkien made me like epic adventures, Anne Rice made me love Vampires, but you, Stephenie, you made me dream again. You put all those things I loved into a new perspective. If I ever publish one of my stories, your name will be in it as the person who made possible for me to finish them, and this is a promise.

There is a phrase in one of my stories that says: "Do you believe in magic?" I do now, thanks to you. You are the best, you are my inspiration to continue to write.

Please don't let the downs in life discourage you from sharing with others your wonderful stories, be it Midnight Sun or any other. Keep helping other girls and women (and even men) find themselves the way you did to me. I, and all of your loyal fans will support you 100%.

May your life be full of love and dreams as your stories are.

Warmest regards,
Vid (Anarey from the Lex)

Teak said...

Your stories and characters certainly elicit strong emotions from us all, don't they? You have such skill, to make us fall so deeply and care so much for them. It must be difficult to share your creations with us at times. I was saddened to hear of the difficult times you've been going through with the surprise leak of Midnight Sun. I thought it showed a lot of class for you to put it up on your website. I am grateful; I adored Midnight Sun. Twilight and Midnight Sun seem such a special part of your Twilight saga, with your dream about the meadow scene being the start of it all for you. It has been fascinating to read Midnight Sun and remember those same parts in Twilight. Seeing Edward and Bella's relationship through different eyes has been such a magnificent treat. I hope that you are able to get back to the Twilight characters and write about them with joy. In the meantime, I hope you are having a great time with your family and friends, and enjoying your other projects.

Your books have led to so many positive events in people's lives, mine included: meeting you in person, meeting friends online, having meaningful and fun discussions online, meeting many of these wonderful people in person, traveling to new places, reading new books I'd never heard of, and listening to music I wasn't familiar with, are but a few of the joys your books have led me to. I thank you and hope less troubled times are in your near future!
My best to you,

Anonymous said...

Very few books come along that have a lasting effect. And for me Twilight was one of them.
I can only speak for myself personally but the story was a reminder of long ago love, that was doomed from the beginning. Unfortunately there has been more than one, lol! But what is youth without experiencing that heartbreak.
It was just nice to go back and remember those times, the bad and the good.
And to think I thought what is a 37 year old doing reading a book for teenagers! But I am glad that I gave it a chance. From the moment I opened that book and read the first page I was hooked. And regardless of whether we liked the books that came next. I am grateful to Stephenie for taking me back even if only for a few days. Hopefully she will continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

Your work has been such an inspiration to many people I have come in contact with over the past couple of years. You have shown us how much passion and innocence, love and excitement can be packed into a book. You put emotions that I could have never dreamed of into words. New Moon was a work of literary genius in my eyes.
Because of you I have met many wonderful women along the way that I never would have met had I not read your books. These are life-long friendships that I hold near and dear to my heart.
I was saddened to hear that you are thinking about putting Midnight Sun on the shelf for good. I understand completely how much it must have hurt to have someone leak something so private and protected. After reading your rough draft of M.S. I was even more taken by the world you built in Forks, WA. Edward's version of Twilight was instantly my favorite of your work, and I truly hope that someday I will be able to walk into my local bookstore and purchase a copy in its entirety.
I am looking forward to reading any work that you decide to print. You are truly a phenomenal woman and author. I admire you completely and I support you wholly. Enjoy your time with your family and thank you for the gifts of the Twilight Saga.

Anonymous said...

I am a women of few words and I am definately not a writer but some things need to be said.

Thank you for sharing with me your talent for writing. You have given me a place I want to live and characters I want to meet. I am thirty plus and have never been so involved with someone's writings before.

Because of your books I have had a complete change in my life. I know that may sound crazy but truly I have.

For the first time in my life I have a group of wonderful friends that share the same passion as I do for your work. I have never before had such close friends. We truly care for each other. We even traveled to Forks together. It is the first time I have felt comfortable and a group of women and have not felt judged or that I was back in high school (yuck).

It is because of your writings I have had this opportunity. I will always be grateful to you for not only the amazing books you have written but for your influence in excellent music and for the best friends I have ever had.

Again thank you for all you have done for me as a fan and for the other Twilight fans. So many of us support you as a writer and human being and the decisions you make with your stories.


Anonymous said...


Last summer, following the release of the final Harry Potter book, I was desperate for a new book. A book that would captivate me, and feel as real to me as Harry Potter did. I tried title after title, genre after genre in an attempt to feel even a portion of what Harry Potter made me feel.

That was when I stumbled upon your series, the covers of all three books caught my eye and held it, until I finally ventured into the world of Twilight. Reading Twilight for the first time was an expierence I will never forget, the book was everything I was looking for and than some. From the first page Bella spoke to me, I could relate to her, and I could feel her in me, her saddness over living in forks became my own, as did her happiness and her love for Edward.

I quickly devoured New Moon and Eclipse, and read all of the wonderful extras you posted on your website. It wasn't enough though, just one read through. I quickly went back and read each book again, slower, enjoying each character that much more.

I waited impatiently for Breaking Dawn, but was it ever worth the wait. I loved Breaking Dawn, I thought the twist in events was brillantly written, and enjoyed how you didn't force your characters (all of whom I care for as though they are real) into a Violent battle. Writing a battle scene based on skill and intellect, was a refreshing new take, and allowed us to keep all of the characters and their happy ending.

Your creative genius has done more than just write a beautiful story. It has given women, young and old alike a new take on what Love should be, it has made readers out of non-readers, and most importantly your creativity has created friendships that span not only city, or state lines but also Countries. The story you chose to tell and share with the world has brought people together, and that is a beautiful thing.

I hope you know that the Twilight fandom supports you, we stand behind your every decision, and just as Bella's feelings become our own while reading, we feel your pain, and hurt over recent events in the news. While our comments to you now can not erase what the media has chosen to exploit, I hope that this can somehow soften the blow.

Thank you Stephenie for everything you have done for so many of us. You are an amazing writer, with creativity, many of us only dream of possessing.


Anna said...

Dear Stephenie:

One of the greatest moments in running was making the scrapbook we gave you at the Portland signing. Each person contributed a letter to you about how you had changed and influenced their lives. It was a honor to read (and cry over) each of those letters. We may be a small site, but we are a family. And your writing gave us that. In a fandom so bitterly divided our site remains a place where Edward girls talk to and love Jacob girls and those who loved Breaking Dawn and those who maybe didn't as much can respectfully talk about it with each other. I like to think you gave that to us as well.

Our group started over on the lexicon mainly talking about their love for Edward or Jake not to fight about who was better , but to understand why someone loved a particular character. So it has been really interesting to see that first Breaking Dawn softened the Edward girls to Jake and then Midnight Sun softened the Jake girls to Edward.

That's the power of your writing Stephenie. You created such deep and rich characters that have so much in them to examined, so much in them that speaks to us, so much in them that changes us. Midnight Sun may not have been perfect to you, it may not have been the version you wanted the world to see but it spoke to me, changed me and made me "wretchedly in love" with your books again. And very very very surprisingly in love with Edward too.

Thank you for that.

You have given me such a gift. With the books, with the friends I've made and the inspiration to create beautiful things. I hope the world can now give you a gift. The gift of the time and space that you want. And I hope that you find peace. And when you are ready to create again, whether it is ghosts, time travel, Midnight Sun, more of The Host or something completely different. If you decide to share. I'll be here.

Leanne who sometimes goes by Ousia.

Anonymous said...


I want you to know how much I love your books. After the conclusion of the Harry Potter series I searched for another book series to be interested in, but couldn't find anything that drew me in as Harry Potter had. My daughter-in-law insisted I read Twilight, knowing I wouldn't be able to put it down. I'm so glad she persisted! I have come to love the Twilight universe and the memorable characters you created. Thank you so much for having the courage to share your stories with readers worldwide.

As stated by other fans, I am also saddened by the events surrounding Midnight Sun. The manuscript you posted on your website has me eager to read the rest of Edward's story. I sincerely hope your desire to finish it will be rekindled soon. But, whatever your decision, your true fans will stand with you.

I also want to let you know that not all of the "Mormon" community feels that you warrant excommunication (I can't believe someone actually wrote that!). Obviously there are some who lack understanding of agency and individuality, neither of which will ever cease to exist in all eternity. As a faithful LDS, I find nothing disturbing or distasteful about your books. In fact, I look forward to reading more of the stories you have floating around in your head.

As a last comment, I have to say that I loved The Host even more than I love Twilight (is that really possible?). I hope that at some point in the future you will write a sequel or two to that as well.

Thank you again for sharing your talents with us, your readers.

Most sincerely,


Anonymous said...

Remember in highschool, all the girls who were your friend one day, and your worst enemy another? The ones who turned on you in hate just because you had received so much love? The ones who turned on you just because others were, and the peer pressure and cattiness just spread like a disease? They disliked you without any reason?

Yes, well that is who you are writing for, and they are acting just like... their age group. Not all of them. But a lot.

Not an easy group to have as fans.

I think when they get older... like so many of us, they may rethink things. Maybe not. But either way... they're just being teenage girls.

And I happen to love your stories.

Anonymous said...

And also, I'm glad you have postponed indefinitely midnight sun. Actions have consequences, and they may hate you for it like they would a parent disciplining them... but this might just be good for younger fans. :)

Although... I do hope you finish it. I REALLY hope you finish and publish it.

But I understand and respect that it's just not coming right now, because I agree that writing is not like math. :)

Unknown said...


I am saddened by recent events with Midnight Sun. It angers me and upsets me that your work came out before you intended it to. I am a 35 year old married woman with no children (so I don't quite fit into the media's description of fans), who does web design for a living. I have been a designer all my adult life and I can feel the violation you must feel when your creative rights were stolen from you.

I love your work. I think you are incredibly gifted and I look forward to everything you write. I loved The Host as much as the Twilight series. I have never been one to get obsessed over any books in my lifetime and for some reason I love your books so much that I even talked my husband into a trip to the Olympic Peninsula this year. It was the best vacation I have ever had and so memorable. I have you to thank for that because I never would have gone hadn't I read your books and became inspired.

I wish you the very best in all your future novels and as much as it hurts now, I do sincerely hope that you finish Midnight Sun...if not for us fans, than definitely for yourself and your family.


Anonymous said...

Dear sweet Stephenie -
Wow! What can I say that hasn't already been said ... your books are AMAZING! Your character development so intense and personal that "we" your fans have grown to know and love Edward, Bella and the Cullen family - as our own.

In my opinion, you are the greatest author of my generation ... you have inspired mothers and daughters to talk again ... mother's & grandmother's to dream (with a twinkle in their eye's) again.

Twilight has been a fascinating journey on so many different levels. I've been apart conversations with teenagers until 2am talking and giggling about Edward (talking about the 'real stuff' of life ... relationships, commitment, sex outside of marriage). And, I've watched heated/fun conversations between my co-worker's (I'm a mental health counselor working in a community mental health clinic - I 'turned' my entire department!!) debating the merits/personalities of "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" ... giggling in the midst of sorrow and the daily challenges of working with the mentally ill.

Like so many others, I was truly broken hearted at the news pertaining to "Midnight Sun". And, while I appreciate your putting the 12 Chapters up on your site ... I sadly will never be able to read them. Silly, I know. But, somehow it just doesn't seem right. For me, you are Edward's voice ... without you he is quiet and dormant. Reading the 12 Chapters would just leave me wanting for more ... wanting to see that fifth book on my bookshelf - to be able to pick up and read over and over again! :-)

I can only imagine how hard it is, but do what you can to not get wrapped up in the 'nonsense' ... take time for you ... time to enjoy what is near and dear to you. Be sure to take a couple of "underwear days" - days that you get to sit around in your pajama's and read a good book, eat chocolate, and watch a 'chick flick'!.

In closing, know that you are admired and loved for the gifts you have given us ... & in return we pray for your happiness and peace.

Yours most sincerely,

Margay Leah Justice said...

I just want to thank you for giving me a gift that has no price tag. I am the mother of two teenage girls, the younger of which has been having a really tough go of it. You see, in 2002, she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and just this past spring, a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome was added to the mix. The last six years have been a trial for us, but last year, as Asperger's really reared its head, was the worst. This was a child that was retreating inside of herself and suffering great bouts of depression. I was beginning to think that I would never hear her laugh again - until she read Twilight. She took that book everywhere we went and she'd curl up with it on her aunt's couch and just belly laugh as she read Bella and some of the situations she got herself into, and I thought, "I have got to read that book." Well, I did, but not before my older daughter, who fell in love with it so hard, you could say she is a bona fide Twilighter.

So, thank you, Stephenie, on two counts: For writing a book that gave my little girl the gift of laughter, and for writing a series that gave my older daughter and I something to obsess over together. The three of us even went to the Breaking Dawn party at our local Borders together and it was the most fun I've had in a long time. This book has touched us as a family and there are no words strong enough to express my gratitude to and admiration for you. My wish for you is that you are comforted by knowing who your true fans are, you don't let a few sour grapes effect the plans that you had for your books, and that you find peace in the knowledge that your writing is a gift - that the readers get to open. I will always be a fan of yours.
One grateful mom,

lisa said...

I love Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Saga and the Host, I loved Breaking Dawn when it came out and can not stop reading it! I do not understand why anyone else did not this confuses me?
I love her soul and appreciate anything she plans to give us I never ever felled like she owed me a thing! I have always felled that way I do consider myself a true fan and I plan to only read what she wants us to read!!
I want to support her so thank you so much for giving me this chance!!

Chris said...

Dear Stephenie,

I am a huge fan of your work. I was astonished, after Breaking Dawn released, to read such personal and horrible attacks. I loved Breaking Dawn and believe that as some of the readers, who didn't like the book, mature and experience more life experiences, they too will find that the characters stayed true to who they had been in the previous three books and the series was brought to a "realistic” and wonderful conclusion. I am so glad that you fought to have the last book published because it culminated the series perfectly.

As to the Midnight Sun events, I understand your outrage and hurt about your work being betrayed. I agree that you should not have your rights trampled on and have every right to finish or not finish stories as you see fit.

That being said, I also hope that as time passes and the pain is less intense, that you will want to take the opportunity to finish writing all of Edward's story. One of the first things I thought as I finished the last page of Twilight was that I was so disappointed that I could never read it again "for the first time." I could never read it again and not know the secrets that kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know how your vampires differed from others and how this love of Bella's would turn out. How Edward would react when he had the chance to be alone with Bella, and if their story could have a happy ending. Now I have read Twilight (as the others in the series) again and again; and I have loved it each time for different reasons. Mostly I love that it gives me a break from the "real" world of raising three kids, and gives me a chance to live in someone else’s life for a while. It brings passion and love to the forefront of my thoughts and makes me feel like being a passionate person (which my husband loves!) And, allows me to travel back in time to my own teenage years and remember how intense life felt at that time and remember the good times I had. However, I realized after reading Chapter 1 of Midnight Sun on your website a couple of year ago, that I could read Twilight again for the first time, and could be just as engaged in the characters and story as I was the first time I read it. I have been waiting with baited breath for Midnight Sun. You have said that it is not a surprise and we all know how it ends, and in one way that is true, but you couldn’t be more wrong in another way. I am, and have been for a long time, more excited about reading Edward’s story and his perspective on the things that happened in Twilight than almost anything else that has or will come out in literature. Although I was very excited for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to release (I am 38 years old and attended the Midnight Release party with about 10,000 14 year old girls), I am more excited to understand Edward’s thoughts and views about life and Bella than I was to find out if Bella would become a vampire or not.

I mention this not to “convince” you to keep writing Midnight Sun, but to share with you what your books and stories have meant to me and my life. Why your stories inspire so many of us to take time from our busy lives to write and express our sorrow for your pains, our love of your work and our hope in the future. I want you to know that I support you and your decisions. I have loved having the opportunity to fall head first into your novels and be a part of your dreams and stories. I look forward to reading anything that you put out and hope you and your family weathers this storm without lasting scars. You are such an amazing person. I honor you and your work.


Vamppirate said...

Dear Stephenie,

I am a huge fan of yours. I think the Twilight Series is awesome! Breaking Dawn is my favorite book. Thank you for giving us Bella, Edward, and the rest of the Cullens. After you've had some downtime with your family, Please, please, please, think about finishing Midnight Sun, the rough draft you have posted on your website gives us so much more insight as to who Edward is.

I'm sorry you're hurting and that someone betrayed you, but you have millions of fans who support you and love the stories you write.

Hang in there, keep your head high, and know that your true fans love and support everything you do.

Your Fan,

Anonymous said...

At the begining of august 2008, I brought Twilight. I didn't know what it was about or anything. It was begining of our summer and i thought i had time. About two weeks later the book screamed read me. And so i did. I read it three times over two days. Then Monday, I got the o ther two New Moon, and Eclispe. I finished them in one night. The next day i brought the last one and by 3 in the morning. I had finished. I am 35. I have to say this was wonderful and i recemend it to my daughter who lives with her grandmother. She is now hooked. I hope that y ou continue to write. I am sorry someone ruined midnight sun for you. Keep up the fanastic work.

Beth said...

I don't have much else to add that is not here, other than to say I support your decisions and hope that you will revisit Edward's story for the right reasons. Until then, I will be waiting as patiently as possible!

God Bless!

dsolo said...

Dear Stephenie,
Thank you for the gift of Twilight. I am 55 years old, and was introduced to your books this year. I have loved them all. I really related to Bella (clumsy, divorced parents, moved junior year of high school) and you made me remember the thrill of first love. You have inspired me to try my hand at writing, which is something that I've always wanted to do. I started out with my first ever fanfic stories (Twilight, of course) and am now writing my own novel. My family and friends are well aware of my current obsession, as I talk about Twilight constantly and have introduced members of my family and my husband's family to your world. Please don't let the negative people bring you down. Not everyone will get Twilight, but for those of us who do, we are deeply grateful. Please don't let this current unpleasantness take away your obvious enjoyment of the Cullen's world. I love the characters that you have created and Midnight Sun from Edward's point of view would be amazing. That said, if you never write another word of Midnight Sun, then thank you for what you have given us. I was not going to look at the viral site for it. I only look at things approved by you or the Lexicon. Your true fans have your back Stephenie.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know that though I am sad about not being able to read Midnight Sun I understand and support you fully. I do hope that things will get better for you in the future. I like many others would love to see the completion of Midnight Sun. I do however feel that you have every right to keep that part of the story to yourself if that is how you feel. I thank you for posting what you have on your site, but I for one will not be reading the chapters you posted till you are ready (if ever) for the whole world to see them the way you wanted them seen. If I have to wait 20 years to see Midnight Sun released then I will wait 20 years. Thanks for all that you have given us your fans.

With Love & Hope,
a Twilight mom

Anonymous said...

I am from Germany and read "Breaking Dawn" when the Uk Edition came out. I love "Breaking Dawn" it's one of the best, no THE best Book I've ever read! I can't understand why so many people in the Twilight fandome and else where feel the need to act like total jerks because Breaking Dawn didn't meet their expectations the way they wanted it to. please don't let their hateing get to you!! there are enough of us out here who Love Breaking Dawn and the place you took your Characters to with it.

that beeing said I also want to comment on the Midnight Sun leak. I was shocked when I heard about it. I can only imagine to an extent how must feel now. I write a little bit myself and if I were in your shoes I would put Midnight Sun away for a while myself because I know how the mood you are in can influence your writing. I think it was the totally right thing to do to put Midnight Sun away and leave it there. Even though I sincerely hope that one day you will finish it. I only read the draft you put on your website but it is pure genius. You are an amazing writer. I support your decissions 100%. In my oppinion you did the exact right thing putting Midnight Sun on hold and writing Breaking Dawn the way you wrote it.

That beeing said, I hope you will continue writing and publishing Books. If so I will definetly read them!
Lisa from Germany

Anonymous said...


"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains immortal- Albert Pine"

You have changed the lives of so many millions of people with your inspiring words and immortal stories. We love you, and will support you always. Please know
that you have brought a little bit of light into this world that isn't always good, and that your stories will always remain an immortal inspiration. Thankyou.

All my love, Rose.

Anonymous said...

Your books have been my personal escape world the moment I started reading them...and I've been reading them over and over again...I just can't help it. When I read your letter regarding the Midnight Sun leak, I too felt your pain. I totally understand the betrayal and violation that you feel. As a loyal fan, I will wait for time to heal your wounds. I pray that one day (and I hope it's sooner rather than later) Edward wil make his voice be heard again. I'm also looking forward to meeting your other literary charcters soon.

By the way, I'm 37 and my daughter, whose 14, loves you too.

anne a.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE EACH AND EVERY book of the Twilight Saga as well as The Host. Midnight Sun was the book I was looking forward to the most to add to my collection of books someday but although I am so deeply saddened by Midnight Sun MAYBE never being published, I do 100% support Stephenie Meyer. It is sad and rediculous that the wonderful Twilight world became such a sour grape for some people and I don't understand why. Someone PLEASE explain to me how former Twilighters became 'the enemy' of Stephenie and remaining loyal Twilight and Stephenie Meyer fans. Those people are messing it up for the rest of us who absolutely adore Stephenie. What is all the drama about and the backlash? I loved all the books and wouldn't change one thing about them. If you don't like Stephenie or her books then go away! No one is keeping you and quite frankly we don't want you among us either. Why would you also go and search for the unpolished manuscript that leaked on the net? Don't you want the book rather all published beautiful cover and all to add to your collection? Why are people becoming so dishonest these days? I always dread waiting for a good book but the exitement thrills me so much that it makes it bearable. Stephenie is a wonderful person and an awesome writer and she deserves respect. Stephenie, we dearly love you and whatever you decide, even if it is painful for us loyal fans to bear, we support you and will always love you.

Dutley said...

Thank you for listening to your sister and publishing Twilight, and having the guts to see Bella's story through to the end. Thank you for providing me an escape from reality, it's been an amazing ride since 2005. It breaks my heart to see you have to face difficult situations in your career, and I applaud you for rising to the challenge and standing strong. If I might add a bit of advice and words of wisdom as if we were BFF's sitting down together to eat ice cream and vent about life's exhausting adventures; there are opposites in all things. I believe that was a prevelant theme throughout THE HOST and some other book that isn't so mainstream either. Please find comfort that for every mean and ugly thing that has been written by unhappy people on the world wide web, there are the exact opposite sentiments being expressed by happy people who's lives have been changed for the better since being introduced to your work.
Thank you for opening up Edward's mind to us even though it may not have been in the medium you would have preferred. I wish you all the best in taking a break from all of us. I'm so excited to see what your mind will be able to create when you are not bombarded with media hype, publicity and making the deadline to publish your next best seller. Please remember that being an author is not just a hobby for you anymore, it's your job. Ha ha I wonder if you ever regret telling your husband that. Please rise above this small tribulation and write for the sake of enjoying writing. Then when you are done, please publish your work so the rest of us can begin a brand new obsession.
Please know that you are an inspiration to me. Without you and your characters of Forks I wouldn't have some of my very best friends to go on vacation with. I wouldn't have dressed up in feather boas and glow sticks to enjoy Mamma Singa with those same friends, and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to enjoy some amazing Stephenie Meyer Events like I Love Edward Parties, Eclipse Proms, and Hosting the Twilght Lexicon and the Breaking Dawn Concert Series.
Thank you again,
Keep your chin up and know that you are loved by some people amazing people out here on the world wide web.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 31-year-old married mother of a 10-year-old. I adore all your books. I'm so sorry for the backlash you went through with Breaking Dawn (which I LOVED) and then the fiasco with Midnight Sun.

I agree with others that I hope you won't put Edward's story to rest for good. What I read from your site was extremely fantastic. I love Bella's pov but there is something about reading it again through Edward's eyes that just warmed me to my soul. He is truly my favorite literary character ever and I could read anything from his pov.

Enjoy spending time with your family, as I know that is what is most important. I'm looking forward to reading anything new you put out there and hope you will want to get back into Edward's head soon! :)


marneyd said...

The fountain, the river of inspiration your writings have lent to this world is. astounding. I’m in the older demographic affected by your books—60 and still counting. I’m a lawyer and a mother of four young children 6 to 10... giving new meaning to the term “late bloomer”.

Let me start with the list of why I’m deeply grateful for your books, for your unerring dedication to your own vision of the stories you tell and the wondrously wonderful effect your writing has had on my life: 1. I lost 80 pounds because your first two books woke me up and helped me get in touch with the energy and creativity which are abundant in life and a feeling for which I’d lost. 2. I used to love music but that was a long time ago. It’s been years since I have found anything I could relate to. I am now listening to Coldplay, Muse, OK Go, Linkin Park, Jack’s Mannequin, The Verve, Patrick Wolf (too funny), Blue October, well, you know. What a colossal gift... 3. My children will be teenagers soon. They now have a hope of having a mother who not only looks a lot younger, but also can relate to their music. I now want to foster their creativity and help them see that finding what they can feel passionate about in life is, well, a big part of what it’s all about. 4. As with many of your readers, you’ve inspired me to write the stories in my head, for me, and for my children. 5. My relationship with my unbelievably cool husband is so much fun I can’t stand it. 6. To put it mildly, you’re a terrific example of what being a mother can mean, not to mention a woman. One's just gotta use one's elbows against those stereotypes that sometime limit our thinking. Think about all those folks whose lives you’ve touched in meaningful ways. Dang!

I have sooo wanted to express my deep gratitude for your work, your writing and who you are. If the 30+ years I’ve spent in the business world has taught me anything, it’s that a talent like yours is so very rare. Stay the course. You get tremendous visibility and it’s just too easy for people to take pot shots. They’ll fade. You won’t. (Go BYU!). With tremedous affection, Marney

Jennifer Lynn said...

Stephenie -

I'm a huge fan of your work. I keep going back to your books over and over again because I get so completely lost in them, it's fabulous. I was so saddened when Breaking Dawn came out and people were so negative. I absolutely LOVED it! I thought it was perfect. It surprised me in many ways, but I thought it was a wonderful way to end Bella's story. And then, after all of these people attacking your book, to have Midnight Sun leaked must have been just awful. I can't imagine how it must have felt to find out what had happened. I have to thank you, however, for posting what you did have on your website, even though you didn't feel completely comfortable with it.

I've since read it multiple times because I just can't get over how different and wonderful the story is from Edward's point of view. Even though it was your rough draft, I was enthralled and it has quickly become my favorite of the series (even if it is unfinished). :) I understand your desire to put it away for the present, and put your focus towards more pleasant things. I think anyone would do the same thing if they were in your shoes. But, I hope that someday you'll be able to go back to M.S. and finish it. I would love to know how the rest of the story plays out from his perspective. I feel like I know him so much better, and I'm dying to know more. But, it's up to you, and I completely respect that. I hope all the best for you and your family as you work on other projects. Thank you, once again, for your wonderful books. You truly have a gift, and I appreciate your courage in sharing that gift with us.

Your's truly,

Anonymous said...

Everyone has written such lovely things so far, but I'd like to take this opportunity to vent. I think the negative things that happened over the last month were driven by a handful of immature kids who have resorted to thoughtless and cruel high-school antics. Unfortunately, you became the target of their virtual "slam book." Except in this day and age, the slam book is not just passed around in the back of the classroom, it's on the World Wide Web. If I, as a grownup fan of your work, see red when I think about what they've done to you, I can't imagine how you're feeling.

When I saw how they were crowing and bragging about illegally distributing your unfinished MS, I couldn't believe it. Their blatant disregard for the artistic and commercial value of your manuscript was just appalling. (I can only think they must be kids. Or morons. Or both.) How does someone just trample on something that's worth millions of dollars? I truly hope that you're working with the FBI to have the illegal distributors arrested. I don't care if they are kids, what they did deserves punishment. Surely their true identities can be subpoenaed from their "darkside" webpage provider or Amazon? They certainly posted publicly enough to provide excellent starting points for tracking them down and bringing them to justice. (Talk about eating lead paint chips or being dropped on the head when they were babies! Great idea! Let's advertise our illegal download sites really publicly, like on Amazon! C'mon! No one will ever catch us!). If I were you, I'd have the subpoenas flying.

In any event, I do understand and sympathize with your stated position on Midnight Sun, even though I hope you will be able to turn back to it sooner rather than later. Hold your head high and don't let the naysayers get you down. Also, I sincerely hope you realize that the outspoken "darksiders" are only a very small group of people, and the majority of your readers support you.

Anonymous said...


Often I have wanted to write a thank you note, expressing my thanks and pleasure in your writing (most noteably the Twilight Series). My husband read the books after I became entranced by them and we have had many wonderful conversations together based on your writing!

I support and understand your decision to table Midnight Sun. I feel appalled at some of the insults hurled in your direction. While I do hope that someday you can return to the story and complete it, know that we true Twilighters support you. This is your universe and we thank you for letting us into it!


Unknown said...

Thank you Stephenie for creating a "happy place" for me to go when reality gets a little crazy. I appreciate the exposure you have given to so many of us "good girls" that have a unique perspective on life while maintaining good morals.
I appreciate the sacrifice you have paid for our entertainment and wish you success and happiness with future endeavors.
It takes great character to admit weakness and allow youself to be vulnerable to the public. That only makes you more endearing.
Please continue to write. Because of you, reading has now become a favorite hobby. (I could read another series about Renesme and Jacob.)
My hope is that you would finish Edward's perspective(at least through the meadow scene.)
Remember there are many more of us out here that love and appreciate your work than there are of the naysayers.

Keep fighting,


Anonymous said...

Dear Stephanie --

I'm 29-years-old and I love the Twilight series, as well as The Host.

It's really rotten that some jerk with an internet connection can wreak so much havoc. With that said, I hope very much you choose to continue with Midnight Sun. I love hearing Edward's voice and think it's a very original idea to do the books from both perspectives.

Imagine what would have happened if the 6th book of Harry Potter was leaked and JK decided not to finish the series -- well, a lot of us love Edward as much as Harry. C'mon Stephanie, what would Bella do? :)

Nena said...

“ To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world”
Dear Stephenie,
Thank you for being such an inspiration and good example. We all have dreams, but it takes courage and hard work to make them come true. Thank you for letting us be part of this journey, and for being so diligent with your fans. You are a great role model and a good leader. You have made great sacrifices and have also committed to be true to who you are. I admire your strength. Don’t let others to get you down. Remember that you have a lot of people that support you no matter what and we stand behind you in any way we can.
Thank you for making me feel like a teenager again, for letting me enter an amazing world of fantasy and unconditional love. Because of these books I have been able to meet wonderful people, I have traveled to magical places, I have dared to live without regrets, and have learned to enjoy a few tears.
Luisa Hansen

museumgal said...

I'm 30 years old and I absolutely love the Twilight series and The Host. I hope you won't lose faith in yourself and in your fans. We love you and support you and don't let the haters get you down.

I am part of Team Edward and I loved Breaking Dawn and the fact that you were actually able to get me to like Jacob in Breaking Dawn speaks to your incredible writing ability!!

I will not be reading the leaked incomplete illegal draft of Midnight Sun. It is your work and I won't read it until it is published. I hope you will finish it but don't let anybody "bully" you into doing it until you are ready. We love you Stephanie!!!

Thrills in Third Grade said...

I'm a 41 year old fan, and reading your books made me feel like one of the YA's you wrote for. I fell in love with the series from the first page of Twilight! I can understand your feelings of frustration and loss, and I support you and your decisions-whatever you may choose. But I must agree with Elysepatrice, when she said that she hopes you won't put Edward's story away. I waited to read the draft that you posted on your website-I couldn't/wouldn't read anything illegal-and I just don't want MS to end! You are an incredible storyteller, you've made reading so much fun, and you've created a wonderful world of characters no one wants to leave. I hope you will reconsider your choice, one day in the NEAR future. But, regardless of what you choose, I will always be a fan of yours, supporting you, and waiting for your next world to open.


Anonymous said...

I guess I would be considered an adult fan because I'm 22. I love these books because they have depth to them and they make you think. I've had so much fun telling my friends about the books and discussing them while they're reading them. I understand why you decided to put away Midnight Sun indefinitely but I hope at some point in the future you're back in a place where you can finish it. I can't wait to read and see you're other projects. I'm looking forward to the Jack's Mannequin video you're directing!

Rachael said...

You ended Midnight Sun right before the meadow scene. AHHHHHHHHH! I have never wanted a book more in my life! I know that you are truly broken hearted about recent events. But you may have more people clamoring for this book then ever before. We just can't get enough. I know that this too will pass and before long you won't be able to resist Edward calling you to finish his side of the story. I will wait as patiently as I can. Thank you for providing such a nice pretend world for me to escape to. You are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm 51 and am totally in love with the whole saga. I bought your books as gifts for both of my adult daughters who have also become obsessed with your love story.

Where I work (a health clinic) we (a bunch of nurses) celebrate Twilight whenever we can. We celebrated Edward's b-day in June and this Wednesday, Sept 10th, we're celebrating "V-day"...Bella becoming a vampire (3 days before her birthday) and celebrating Renesmee's birth.

We've also all read The Host and we are looking forward to sequels.

The Twilight Saga is definitely a classic love story. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Don't let lame people win.

Anonymous said...

dear stephenie,

you still have my support! please continue writing the companion books to the twilight series. your true fans will still be excited to hear your stories and the point of views of the other characters, all of whom are now much loved and very much part of our lives.

think of all the people who you can truly make happy, and they are the same people who are happy for you as well. nevermind the haters - they will find some other thing to hate later on. but those who truly love you will stick by you and would love to read your stories. and complete stories, please! :-D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful Twilight universe and The Host universe. Because of your writing and stories, I have found a way to connect with my teenage stepdaughter and many of my students (I'm a high school English teacher). I love your writing style and the voices you create with your characters. I look forward to read anything and everything you decide to publish in the future. Your true fans love you! Amy

Unknown said...

Awe is yours. First read of Breaking Dawn, I felt unsettled. So I got some much-needed sleep and food (because I'd been way too excited about the book, heh), dropped my preconceptions, and read it again.

I'm glad I did. All the things I noticed the second time satisfied me. It wasn't the story I'd been expecting, but I had to acknowledge it makes sense for the characters. For not writing the easy ending, and not catering to the fan buildup, you've my respect.

I'm a crusty 27. I tend to be mired in canon classics. But I've never been more happy to be yanked from my cave. Prior to this, I've only read one book more than once. Now I'm about to finish rereading the whole saga for a third time, and that's despite my mother and sister introducing me to Twilight only four days before the release of Breaking Dawn. On a curious personal level, there's something about it that restores faith. But also, I just keep finding more that I like about the characters and how you've woven the story.

The writing is getting so delicious by the preview chapter of Midnight Sun! Yes, even though it's "flawed." (Admittedly, part of the draw is puzzling out Edward's perspective.) I'll never write anything worth ganking. But still. Just seems like it might be an even more intriguing story to tell...?

There are always going to be negative reactions in the world -- sometimes because people are too impassioned to see clearly -- and moments where people's judgment isn't perfect. It hurts like hell. I wouldn't know if this is what's gnawing or not. Maybe as 'elysepatrice' says, "You gotta do what you gotta do!"

It just seems impossible that would keep down something, *someone*, so incredible. I guess I will believe it when I see it. :)

Rock on.

Anonymous said...


I love the Twilight Saga! Thank you for writing this awesome story. I am a 51 year old divorced mom of 3 grown children. These books have truly opened up my heart to the possibility of romance! They've made me want to participate in love again. Wow! This amazes me!

You are the best story teller. I've never read books that made me feel like the characters are real. I've read all the books several times and when I'm not reading them I miss Bella, Edward and everyone. I think I actually feel like I am Bella and I love Edward. They are in my dreams. I loved Breaking Dawn & its happy ending. It's what I wanted. Thank you also for giving us so much of Bella as a vampire.

This brings me to Midnight Sun. I am so sorry this happened to you and to we fans who support you. Thank you for posting what you have so we can read it. I love it! I need more! I am so hoping that one day soon you'll want to finish this story. You, I and many others want to see this published along with our other Twilight books. Don't let the wrong actions of others take this away from us. I understand if you can't but encourage you to do so & support you no matter what you decide.

I was encouraged to read Twilight by my then 17 year old daughter. It was such a gift you gave us to be able to bond through this story soon before she left for college. Myself & a co-worker have gotten so many other co-workers to read also. It has been so much fun to have our Twilight discussions at work. The Twilight Saga has brought so many people together.

Just know I love & support you. I'll buy & read anything you write. I own The Host but have to put down my Twilight obsession for awhile to read it but plan to do so soon; just getting too curious.

You're the best! Enjoy time now with your family and doing other projects. Please someday come back to Twilight!
Thank you Stephenie!


Anonymous said...

Dear Stephenie,

I love Twilight and the Host and I`m looking forward to whatever you will write in the future.

Don't forget that you have fans all over the world who love your work and support you!

You have changed our lives in so many positive ways!

Don't get discouraged!
You are brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Dear Stephenie,
I hope you find some comfort in all the comments posted here... At 34, I am sometimes embarrassed to admit how much I love the Twilight series. :) But I am definitely not alone; I have several adult friends who also loved the books, in addition to the thousands of your fans of all ages around the world. After reading your books and your website, I find what I enjoy most is your enjoyment in telling these stories. I believe it's your investment in the characters and their world that makes them so enthralling...even addictive. :) And it is that belief that saddens me most for the disrespect shown for your work on Midnight Sun. I can only imagine the range of emotions you've endured dealing with the leak, and I understand your decision to indefinitely hold off on the book. With that in mind, I thank you for sharing the first 12 chapters with us. They were delicious! :) I do hope that, when you've had time to relax and regroup, Edward's voice will return to you with the rest of his story. In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy some well-deserved quality time with your family. I will be reading The Host and thinking of you fondly. :)
With gratitude and respect,

Unknown said...

Dear Stephenie
I hope you can feel the care and support that you are receiving from all of your fans We are here for you and I hope that you may find peace and happiness. You brought to life Edward and Bella along with the rest of Forks. I pray you decide to allow us the privlige of seeing the completed Midnight Sun when and if you see fit.What we were allowed to see was a beautifully written insight into the depth of Edwards mind and love for Bella On a personal note I want to share with you that my 15 daughter who is 2nd behind me in the fan department has now completed Wurthering Heights and is moving on to Jane Austen. Her English teachers are in heaven
Thank you again for giving us all a chance to share your joy of Twilight and may your faith in people be restored
With my deepest thanks

Anonymous said...

I've been an avid reader all of my life, but I've never been so captivated by a book before I read Twilight. I can't believe that anyone would say anything negative about the person who had the courage to share this beautiful dream with millions. What you posted of Midnight Sun was amazing, and I hope that you are too proud of it to let it die. Everyone on this site has said such wonderful things that I just wanted to add my name to their list. Whatever you decide, I support you 100%, and will eagerly await you next project, whatever it may be.
- Maggie Wiley

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Meyer I am a 53 year old African American professional female. Let me start by saying that I have connected with your books in a manner that hasn't happened for me in dacades (literally). I an soory that the opinions of some and the actions of a few has convinced you not to continue with Midnight Sun. I did not read the stolen copy but, I did read your official copy and as a result I am compelled to tell you how eye opening it was. Edward's story deserves to be told. After reading the 12 chapter I picked up Twilight and continued the stor where Midnight sun stopped and it feels like only half the story. I wanted to know what Alice was thinking, what Emments jokes were, what Carlise and Esme feel and most importantly what Edward was thinking.

It is my sincere hope that you will be able to put the actions and words of a few behind you and conplete Midnight Sun for those of us who love your books (yes even Breaking Dawn, I loved the ending) and allow us to live in the Cullen's world a little while longer. If you find this impossible to do, as a fan,writer and reader, I will be saddened but I will understand and I will not change how I feel about these books.

Anonymous said...

My niece got me onto the Twilight books in 2007 because of the way she raved about the characters and the writing. Since then I have read the first 3 books about 5 times I am on my 2nd read of Breaking Dawn. My niece cant believe now how I am the bigger fan!

Your stories (including Breaking Dawn) have had me turning page after page due to the roller coaster of emotions that you feel with the characters. They had me giggling like a school girl one minute to laughing out loud, through to wiping away the tears the next - and this was all while reading them on a train in front of some very bewildered commuters. And to think that this is supposed to be a Young Adult novel!

Remember all feedback you get, be it good or otherwise, is only because people care about your characters proberly as much as you do. I think it would be far worse if no one cared to comment at all.

Best wishes & keep writing first and foremost for yourself, then your fans.

Anonymous said...

Thanks from yet another adult deeply affected by your books! After being an avid reader as a young person, I rediscovered the joy of reading, thanks to Twilight. I've also made some wonderful friends and visited a beautiful part of the country as a result of reading your books.

It was a delight to read the chapters of Midnight Sun, tempered only by the knowledge that its leak has caused you such anguish. I do hope you will return to that story in the future; the first twelve chapters just made me anxious to read more from Edward's POV.

You have my sincere best wishes for all the rest and relaxation that is possible in a household with three active boys. When you're ready, we'll be here waiting enthusiastically for your next book, be it Midnight Sun or something completely different.

brooke said...

Dear Stephanie,
I want to start by thanking you for letting us into Bella & Edward's world or rather, into your world. Your fascinating characters from Bella to Wanderer, and even minor ones like Marcus and Tanya have captured my imagination like no others.

I am so sorry for the hurt you have experienced these last few weeks beginning with the cruel critiques of Breaking Dawn. As so many others have pointed out here, your stories are in fact YOUR stories and we are just lucky enough to get to enjoy them. If Breaking Dawn had a fault, it was only that it had to end. There is so much more I wish I knew about Bella and Edward, Jacob and Renesme, and all the others!

I do not understand why anyone would choose to steal the work of any author (whatever they thought of that author). As sad as I am about our loss of Edward's perspective, I fully support your decision to set Midnight Sun aside. I doubt that my response to such a violation would have been as mature and calm as yours. I do hope that you decide to finish Edward's story one day. After reading the draft you published, I am more in love with him than ever!

Whatever the future holds, know that I will remain your grateful fan. Thank you for sharing your dreams with the world.


Anonymous said...


I've already talked about this issue in my MySpace blog, so I'll try not to repeat myself too much but I am sounding off here as well. I am infuriated that someone could do this to you no matter the reason.

I fell in love with your books. Your charachters lead very healthy lives in my head (lock me up now for public safety). You provide an amazing escape from the real world and adventure in a new world for all of us. It can sometimes be hard to step back from your daily life and just take a breather, but your books make it an extremely easy thing to do. Thank you for that.

Just know that we love you and support you in everything you do. We will continue to escape into your created worlds with joy and deep satisfaction.


Jaime said...

There is now a website called

We consider this a gift to Stephenie and our hope is that she will get this with enough movement on the web.

Melissa said...

I gave you a letter at each event I attended this summer, but after such a downer of a fan-reaction summer, I think it needs said again -- I'm an English teacher and a librarian, and I simply can't put your books down. I love the realistic ways your characters interact; I love the funny bits and the parts that just feel "so true" when I come upon them. For people to snipe at you so venomously after one novel they didn't enjoy, after four they adored, is absurd and just plain mean. For that, I understand dropping your work on Midnight Sun. I can't imagine how frustrated and betrayed that must make you feel.

I have only read a small portion of the Midnight Sun draft on your website, but it is one of the most compelling stories I've read in a very, very long time. I hope that you feel able to return to that work some day because I would love to hear Edward's voice, but if you never do, I understand that as well.

Thank you for the five (and a half?) stellar works you've given us so far. You are one of my favorite contemporary authors, and regardless of what story you choose to pursue next I can't wait to pick it up. :)

April said...

I just want you to know how much I love ALL of your wonderful books. I have read and re-read all of them. I am disheartened with the recent leak of Midnight Sun. It is a huge violation of both your rights and your trust. I hope that you will allow us to get into Edward's head when you are ready. We love you and hope you can spend some well deserved time with your kiddos and DH. (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Sis. Meyer--
Thank you so much for your words. You've inspired and rekindled fond memories within me.
I openly admit to being hesitant to read the Twilight series. I've never been one to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, just the opposite. When people tell me "you have to (read, watch, listen) this!" I runaway. I'm afraid of being disappointed. Setting my hopes up for something good, and being let down. Plus... a romance? Gag! Trite, tawdry, predictable... boring.

For months, my daughter has been begging me to read Twilight. Friends at school and church were all reading it. Being in Vancouver, WA, the excitment was even greater, as many of the girls (and boys) from church went with Twilight Mom's to watch the filming and even were picked as extras.

Finally, with the approach of Breaking Dawn, I decided to crack open my daughters book. Amazing! Five days later, I finished all 4 books. The house was dirty, kids slightly malnurished (just kidding), and husband's quizitive looks of "what's gotten into you?" as he was pummelled with increased hugging, snuggling, and snogging (in between reading). In the end it was worth it.

I'm hooked. An official addict.
More than that, you've inspired and reminded me.

Years ago, while at BYU, I pondered the idea of being a writer. For over 15 years, characters, places, and fantastic beasts have been swirling in my mind.

I was told I was good. Teachers, and even a couple of "famous" writers (family friends) told me not to be afraid. To go for it!
Unfortunatly, I allowed fear to cause me to falter.
Fear of failure, rejection, inadequacy, embarrassment.

Then I found out more about you. Much the same as me. Mom, wife, BYU graduate. You didn't do it for someone else; for an assignment or for monetary gain. You didn't allow fears to hold you back. You did it because it was inside you, waiting to come out. Bella and Edwards story had to be realized.

You inspired me. For the first time in 15 years, I sat down at my computer, and started writing. I don't know what I'll do with my story. I don't know if it will go any further than the hard drive on my computer, but I do know that you inspired me to do it. To finally give birth to the characters that have been in me for so long.

Some stories as meant to be told. They have to be born within the mind, heart and soul of its author. Write for yourself. Write for Bella. Write for Edward.

I truly hope that Edward will get his voice. That we will be able to hear (in his own words and thoughts) what led to this wonderful eternal romance.

Take care Sis. Meyer. I wish you and your family well. No matter what choice you make.

Oh... and I consider myself very blessed. I did marry my Edward. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Your newest fan, and fellow BYU Cougar,


Thank you.

Unknown said...

I just want to let you know that you have the support of myself and many more of my own friends and family. You are such a gifted woman and it is so sad that there are people in this world that take thing way to far. You are great and I love your book, everyone of them. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I am not one to post comments on websites, but I feel prompted to share my feelings to you so bare with me...even though I am one in thousands that is doing the same. I am a mother of five daughters, a nurse by profession. This crazy road I've traveled throughout my life has not been an easy one.
This last December I was going through a particularly difficult time and at an all-time low. One of my daughters suggested I "escape" for awhile and read your books. I must admit I had resisted their attempts several times before that, but this time her urging got through to me. From the moment I picked up Twilight I was transformed to another place, another time, and the hurt and anxiety I had been experiencing was soon replaced by a delicious excitement I hadn't felt in years...each book a captivating, magical place for me to escape to for a moment in time. Since then my daughters and I have had the time of our lives discussing each detail we've read- it has opened up such fun discussions! Stephenie, you have such gift that you have given to the world. You've brought back some decency in the literary world that we've so desperately been starving for! Please consider writing again for us in the future after you've had some time to heal. My family and my faith have been my anchor in my life. You have a God-given gift. Consider sharing it again with us.
Respectfully yours,

Anonymous said...

I am a fellow mother of 3 in my
30's and I want you to know how much I have LOVED your books!

I cannot recall ever being as interested in any books as much as I have been interested in yours and I want to thank you for writing your characters with realism and depth - especially Bella - thank you for giving our world a REAL & INTELLIGENT heroine!!!

I did not know about the Midnight Sun leak until I read your post. I am very sorry that this has happened - but I want you to know that after reading the excerpt on your website my heart was literally pounding!!! Your writing from Edward's point of view is PURE MAGIC (not a mess), and I sincerely hope that you will be able to finish it.

You have the support and love of many people - enjoy your time with your family - and I can't wait to someday read more about Edward's thoughts in a beautifully bound black, red, and white book!


Anonymous said...

My 14 yr old daughter, Emeline, became excited about your books from a friend. I decided to read the books ahead of her to make sure they were "appropriate" for her age. What a surprise to find a story so compelling and beautiful. I ended up reading the first 3 in two and a half days. I couldn't put them down.

When Breaking Dawn was released I stayed up all night and finished it by morning. I love the journeys your characters have taken and I respect your strength in sticking to your story the way you would have it told.

I read the official first chapter of Midnight Sun that was posted online and I couldn't wait for the rest. I was so disheartened when I heard how someone had violated your trust and privacy. I respect your decision to put aside the novel for now. But please don't let the horrible actions of a few silence Edward's voice forever.

After you posted the rough draft I couldn't help but read it. (I would have never sought it out illegally!) Even in that rough form Edward's view brings so much depth to the characters surrounding Bella. Take as much time as you need, but please let Edward's story be told.
Thank you for making me believe in True Love again.

Anonymous said...

I want you to know that I have started praying for you and will continue to do so. My prayer is that you will have a shield like your Bella, so that none of the callousness and negativity can penetrate into your soul, and all of the care and support you need will flow through to you freely.

Of all the wonderful gifts you have given the world, one the coolest is this very idea: that many of us "shield" ourselves without knowing what we are doing. Like your early Bella, we don't let others in because we are so afraid of rejection. But as we become more self-aware, our shields can keep out the dangers while letting in the love we so need.

I am a mother of two, a 14 yr. old boy and an 11 yr. old girl, and we all passionately love you and your stories. Your characters and plot lines have given us so much shared joy and a whole "language" for talking about issues like dating and pregnancy and learning to love yourself and others. I am endlessly grateful, Stephenie, for this closeness that we feel, to one another and to you.

We even talk about deeply spiritual ideas that come from your stories... like how Wanderer the peaceful Soul helps us imagine what it's like to be in God's "shoes", to love humans so much and yet be so misunderstood by them.

Stephenie, your brilliant creativity and refreshing authenticity shine like the stars on a clear night. You are truly gifted, and we are so grateful you risk giving yourself to us.

I never would have thought that I could love Twilight anymore than I already did, but reading Edward's POV deepened the story even more. I can't even believe it! How you have captured such an endearingly vulnerable yet passionately strong and unconditionally loving character is amazing to me!

Thank you, Stephenie. Take care of yourself, and let the love of your worldwide community saturate your every pore!


tiffany marie said...

I breathed again for the first time in a long time after reading your first book, Twilight. It was just an ordinary day when I walked into the bookstore a few weeks ago and saw the Twilight Saga displayed. I picked up the first book out of curiosity... stood there and read the first page, read the second, read the third...three hours later I found myslef in the corner of the bookstore, crouched on the floor and completely lost in the world of Twilight. Needless to say, the book came home with me! As I closed the last page of this amazing story I had to catch my breath as the tears wouldn't stop... I've been afraid to dream...afraid to hope... and you reminded me of the 17 year old girl I used to be, so full of life and full dreams.
I've been sleeping for a long time, hiding from my fears of love and committment....instead of giving in to them and taking the risk.
Thanks for sharing your stories with us. For giving a part of yourself and taking the risk.
Vulnerability is tough to swallow, whether it's sharing your most intimate writing, your dreams, your love... anytime you expose yourself for others to see and behold- it can be paralyzing. Brave on more levels than one, I commend you for what you've accomplished. And personally, thank you for helping me feel again...

Anonymous said...

Though I'm barely an adult, like many others, I felt an urge to reach out to you at this time. I understand how frustrated you must be at the recent events. I just wanted you to know a few things and ask (no it is not me begging you to write midnight sun) you to do one thing.
I want you to know you have inspired and giving me many good moments with your books. I want you to know how much I look up to you, because unlike some other great authors today, you do it purely for the love of writing. It's that love that makes the characters so real.
Now all I ask is that you do not let that go. Don't let other people take away your love of writing. I do hope you will take us back to forks someday but if not that is your choice. Just continue to do what you do best.

Your fan,

Tiffany -- the mommy said...

Stephenie-- I too am a HUGE fan of your work! I an not a big reader and then I was told by a friend to read your twilight series! I finally did! Thank you! I now find myself wanting to read. I loved BD I thought that it was great! I loved being sucked into a world that had nothing to do with me. Because to the Twilight Series I have found a love of reading! I am truly sorry for the disappointment that you must be feeling and just know that anything and I mean anything that you publish wil have a space on my bookshelf! Again thank you for your stories!!

Anonymous said...

The summer my older sister, 33, confessed an obsession and subsequently recommended Twilight. I read this book and quickly consumed New Moon and Eclipse in a week. Luckily for me, this was only two weeks before Breaking Dawn was to be released. But those two weeks were terribly long. I was almost scared to read Breaking Dawn out of my love for the previous three books. I was afraid that the final installment would be too, well, final. I adored Breaking Dawn. Stephenie, you gave us everything we wanted, everything that was great about your series. Thank you so much for creating such a fantastic and marvelous world. I have to admit my obsession and the fact that I could not get Bella and Edward out of my daydream thought life for a solid month after I finished the series. I mean, we're talking every available second was spent replaying scenes from one of the books. Driving in the car, cooking dinner, lying in bed trying to fall asleep; all thinking of this amazing romance.
I then read Host and was just as impressed with this tale as I was with the Twilight saga. I was hopeful that this was a something that would hold me over until the release of Midnight Sun. And then my bubble burst. I absolutely abhor that someone has ruined your next project. I was so anticipating Midnight Sun, I was shattered when my sister called to tell my about your posting on your website explaining the situation. While I certainly understand your frustration (well, the most that anyone who hasn't spent years writing and working on this project can understand), but I'm still devastated that there will be no fruition to Edward's tale. I haven't read the posted portion because I'm holding out hope that someday, you will have a renewed spirit and can pick up the pen to finish his voice. I also would like to see this one printed and bound in a beautiful black cover to stand beside my other 4 hardback Twilight books.
No matter what, you have given me a fantastic gift in the form of four amazing tomes. You should be proud that you can stretch a person's imagination and make characters so real that I'm jealous of Bella. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Cranberryfries said...

I can't begin to imagine how it must be to put your hard work out there for the world to see. I'm grateful for it because it has introduced me to 25 of my new best friends and I can't think of my world without them now.

Your stories also inspired me to read more. Just this week I finished my personal goal to read 100 novels in 50 weeks.

Your characters are compelling and wonderful and I've enjoyed entering their world for a time. I'm sorry to see how things have progressed lately and can only hope that someday you will feel ready to return to Midnight Sun. It is amazing.

Thanks for you're wonderful stories and fun imagination.
